Category Archives: Worship

Worship Guidelines

We meet for worship each Sunday morning at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary, and we also livestream our worship services. Here are some guidelines for participation in our worship services:

Deciding between In Person and Remote Participation

Throughout the year, but especially during cold and flu season, we encourage everyone to make the best decision for themselves when it comes to worship participation.

  • For those who choose to participate remotely, you can livestream our worship services by clicking the “Livestream Worship” box on the right side of every page of this website. 
  • For those who choose to participate in person, but who might prefer an extra layer of protection for themselves or others, face masks are welcome and available for anyone who wishes to wear one.


When you arrive at GPC on Sunday morning, you will enter through the main entrance adjacent to the handicap ramp. You will be met by a greeter who can answer any questions you might have.

Entering the Sanctuary

When you enter the sanctuary, please pick up a worship bulletin at the rear doors.

When you choose a place to sit in the sanctuary, please be aware that the livestream mostly records the leaders of the worship service — the pastor, liturgist, and choir — but occasionally picks up the actions of others attending the service. If you prefer not to appear on the livestream video, there are two specific areas in the sanctuary where you can sit comfortably and not appear on the video. The first area is the left transept on the main floor and the second is the center balcony area. An usher will be happy to help you find these areas.

What to Expect during Worship

  • We pass the peace verbally without moving around the sanctuary.
  • We do not pass the offering plates during worship, but they will be available at the narthex entrance to the sanctuary, for those who do not contribute online or by mail.
  • Our KidZone Activity bags are available for our younger worshippers.

Leaving the Sanctuary

At the conclusion of worship, you may exit the building via any of the sanctuary exits.

If you have any questions about worship at GPC, please contact Pastor Emily or the church office.

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